The newspaper of Yliakum. [October, 23, 2010] <> Year I, N. 4 Editor: Raikana Plip ____________ << EDITORIAL A fairly high number of crimes made in the name of Dakkru has risen in an allarming situation. That's why, since it's birth, the paper have been often writing about the Goddess of Death and less about other religions. Truly we wish to be fair to all beliefs and that's why, next week, we'll be publishing an article about the main Gods worshipped in the Dome. If you seek more knowledge about faith and religion, don't miss the next issue of this paper! =================================== | | YOUR ADVERTISE HERE? | | Contact the editor! | ==================================== ________ << INDEX - Editorial - Index - G&TJ Contest - News - Relax - Announcements - Traders - Guilds THE GUILDS & TRADERS JOURNAL << CONTEST >> !!!! W i n 2 0 0 0 Tria !!!! Last week we had the "Paradox Contest". The right answer was: > "You will not give me the second prize." The winner was: > Glaciusor ==== This week we bring to you a contest that will test your ability to calculate; the "Decrypt Contest" KEY All symbols are numbers from 0 to 9. [!] = ( [?] + [&] ) [£] = ( [|] - [§] ) [§] = ( [@] * [@] ) [#] = ( [%] / [@] ) CRYPTED NUMBER [&] . [#] [@] [?] . [!] [|] [%] . [£] [§] [$] RULES The rules are really easy this time. Using the information contained in the "Key", you will have to find out the "crypted number" hidden behind the symbols. Please note that the 1000 tria prize will be given only once, to the first who find out the right number. The contest is opened only to those who bought the paper. The correct answer and the name of the eventual winner, will be given in the next issue of the newspaper. Good luck to all ! **** ________________ Note for readers: We've noticed that some of the first copies of the 1° issue had a layout problem with texts displayed on columns! If you have one of those copies please bring it back to the editor and we'll be glad to correct it. If you find your name mentioned here and you are not agree with it, please accept our apologize and communicate it to the editor. Your name will not be used anymore in further editions of the newspaper. _______________ << NEWS & TOPICS In this section you'll find articles of actuality and topics of interest. All the contents of this section are responsibility of the respective authors. FREE TOURIST MAP FOR THE READERS OF THE GUILDS & TRADERS JOURNAL by Raikana In order to commemorate the fourth issue of our paper, we decided to make a present to all readers who decided to support us buying the paper. On this issue we'll be publishing 48 copies of a "Tourist Map" of the vicinity of Hydlaa, conceived to be useful to travellers and newcommers. Only the first 48 costumers will get this prestigious map of solid vegetable fiber with no additional charges. THE TEMPLE OF TALAD DESECRATED BY UNKNOWN VANDALS By Raikana Few days ago, while visiting Gugrontid, i noticed a vandalic act perpetrated on Talad's shrine, at the temple. The stone statue were scratched brutally, maybe with weapons and rock picks and there was a message inscripted in the rock: "This shall be the fate of all false Gods and stone idols as they will all crumble before the true power of Goddess Dakkru". There were missing books and the rest of them was thrown in the ground, severely damaged. Sir Halaali was present and warned the guards, then headed to Ojaveda to look for some master mason to help in the arduous task of rebuilding the shrine. Quickly the Brotherhood of Talad came in help, mounting a permanent guard at the Temple and restoring the books and the offers. I had the chance to talk about it to Venorel Weruno about the crime: What have been done about it? What is doing the Brotherhood of Talad to avoid further acts like those? "As you can see appropriate offerings have been made to seek Talad's guidance and protection in our cause. In sooth we had been on guard already after noticing offerings of no value but spiritual being removed from the altar. Today our guild member arrived for duty to find this disecration. We have no idea how they weer able to deface the altar so without gaining the attention of Quasus who rarely leaves guard of the temple or indeed the guards from the noise it would make. Magic perhaps? " When do you think it will the shrine will be restored? "We have smitty's and magic practitioners assessing the damage for the best approach to take for its restoration. We are not as concerned as to how long it will take as we are that it will be fully restored to its previous condition with no trace of the disecration" In the stone there is a write carved that seems a message from some Dakkruist. Do the Brotherhood of Talad think that this crime is related to the crimes happened at the Den? "Yes" PROPHETS OF DAKKRU by Raikana Lately in Hydlaa, i saw a diaboli talking to the crowd. He was warning the people with cryptic words worthy of a mad prophet, though, the people were not paying too much attention to him; here's an excerpt of his speeches: "Denizens of Yliakum! Dakkru complains of how cold the Death Realm has been. Instead of using steel, you're simply hammering it? Well, it has been placed in your hands so you can place it in someone's. So get your blades wet! A time of turmoil is approaching. Huge entity is rising. I have heard the shadows and they speak of an Alliance of the relentless! Ushered between sneering lips words of defiance are mentioned, targeting the amorphous mass that is the Light Alliance. Be ready. Be careful. Cutthroats are being granted prizes, championing over the workers. So why should you be cutting wounds in the earth, when you could be drenching it in blood and becoming richer for it? This time the eclipse won't be related to the Azure Sun. It'll be an eclipse of peace. You have been warned. You heard me well. A time of war is upon us. I know for certain that the Light Alliance shall be challenged. I have been around those who shall raise defiance, as a joker I've been amidst them, clowning while they schemed against your peace and Dakkru has been grinning lately. I am Gartheiz, preacher of Dakkru, mouth of the old Empire and card reader!" So much talk have been spent, including the rumours about the Den's murder and the desecration of Talad's Temple in Grugontid, about Dakkru in the last month and many citizens feels disturbed about it. Is Dakkru really showing her hand or is just a mystification? The question still stand. LETTER FROM A READER: "MURDER AT THE RED CRYSTAL: IS IT A HOAX?" by Unknown This week we received a letter from a citizen who didn't signed it, talking about the Red Crystal Den mistery. Although we don't share his opinion, we'll publish it anyways, as we are a free and impartial newspaper: " Today while Harnquist was at home resting I made a trip to William The Hydlaa Banker to retrieve some storage and noticed someone trying to enter The Red Crystal Den. He seemed rather weak-knolleged about what had happened their a few weeks ago so I desired to explain what had happened, Then I tried to get some information about why he was trying to enter the Den. I told to the man that a couple of workers had been murdered in cold blood and the Guards had to close the den to investigate further to find who the perpetrator was. After talking with the person for sometime, he didn't have a reason for trying to get in other then 'he was just seeing if the door was open'. Much speculation as what really had gone on "behind locked doors" as word gets out on the streets spreads about someone overhearing a male Enkidukai talking about being in their A few days prior to the murder as one of the waitresses talked about not having enough time to keep the Den's doors open to the public. Unknowing to the Guards Classified Investigation Documents questions arise like: Why is there no indication outside of the Den that it has been closed until further notice? If someone isn't trusted to run the den when other people don't have time to, raises the question why wasn't a Guard around during open hours? Is a Guard at fault? seeing how its a place of business? Was the Murder A hoax to close the Den because they did not have enough workers? " MASTERS OF MOVE MAKES A "DOUBLE" CELEBRATION by Raikana Reporter: Cinade Last week took place a commemorative event organized by the Masters of Move, with two separated competitions. Despite the incredible prizes, the lack of advertise, the distance from major cities and maybe the weather conditions, have minimized both the public and participants. In any case, the "one and a half million tria" in prize and the fame of the owner, have attracted some of the most prominent citizens giving life to an interesting event. >>Mount Competition Contestants were required to run along two types of shapes, an 'oval shape' and an 'eight shape', addressing three races for each shapes and three laps for every race. To determine the winners a 'point system' has been used, that awarded five points to the winner of each race, three points to the second and a single point to the third. Here are the name of the racers: o - Aschatan o - Glaciusor o - Armidillo o - Mishka o - Pontifer o - Destina o - Mordaan ___________________ 1st race (PRACTICE) Since the practice race the tension was palpable, with Mishka and Ashcatun fighting for leadership. ___________________ 2nd race (OVAL SHAPE) This race ended with a fight for 3rd position, between Pontifer and Mishka. 1st - Armidillo 2nd - Aschatan 3rd - Pontifer ___________________ 3rd race (8 SHAPE) 1st - Pontifer 2nd - Mordaan 3rd - Armidillo ___________________ 4th race (OVAL SHAPE) 1st - Pontifer 2nd - Mordaan 3rd - Mishka ___________________ 5th race (8 SHAPE) At this race Glacusior was forced to left the race because his mount wasn't responding well. Pontifer, Mordaan and Aschatan received all five points for this race. 1st - Pontifer, Mordaan and Aschatan ___________________ 6th race (OVAL SHAPE) 1st - Pontifer 2nd - Mishka 3rd - Aschatan ___________________ 7th race (8 SHAPE) 1st - Mishka 2nd - Aschatan 3rd - Mordaan ***** Final Standings Pontifer 21 points Aschatan 12 points Mordaan 12 points Mishka 9 points Armidillo 6 points WINNER Pontifer Alaynos, with his rivnak Dutches. PRIZE 500.000 tria After the winning our reporter had the chance to exchange a few words with Pontifer: How do you feel after such a big win? "Well, I really thought I lost the final race, so you could say I feel relieved!" I saw you getting stuck sometimes, it was really unlucky... "I had a bad start and finish but I managed to stick it out in the middle." Congratulations on the win! "Thank you" >>Duelling Competition The competition was open to all warriors who considered themselves able to meet the challenge. The rules were simple: Fight without protections, no use of magic, no food or potions. Here are the name of the fighters: o - Teshia o - Sliss o - Kelpi o - Ikon o - Kisoji o - Trogdar o - Pontifer o - Glaciusor o - Earowo o - Koios o - Caraick ___________________ 1st round elimination o - Trogdar o - Glaciusor o - Ikon o - Pontifer o - Koios o - Kisoji ___________________ 2nd round elimination o - Glaciusor o - Kisoji o - Koios ___________________ Final round Glaciusor VS Kisoji Kisoji won Glaciusor VS Koios Koios won Koios VS Kisoji Koios won Kisoji VS Glaciusor Kisoji won WINNER Kisoji Valsha PRIZE 1.000.000 tria ________ << RELAX Take a breath from everyday hardships and enjoy this section of the newspaper, dedicated to pastimes of any kind. All the content of this section (including the jokes) has not to be taken seriously! _______ J o k e s >> An old Fenki goes every month to collect a pension and, being illiterate, she sign with a cross. One day the treasurer sees that, instead of signing with the usual cross, she drew a square and amazed he asks: - Excuse me, ma'am, you always signed with a cross, why did you made a square today? - - Oh, I didn't told you!. I remarried, that's why I changed my last name! - *** A brawny lumberjack is talking to a foreman to get employed: - Where you have worked so far? - - Near Ojaveda! - - But... it's a desert! - - Now it is! - *** A Rivnak goes into a bar and the bartender says: "Hey, Why the Long Face?" *** ________ G a m e s >> The correct answer for the previous game was: > 1281 ==== >> Diagrammatic Scheme << Find the hidden words. << At the party they were xyyyyyy while the artist kept on wyyyyyy >> The right answer will be given in the next issue. =================================== | | YOUR ADVERTISE HERE? | | Contact the editor! | ==================================== _____________________________________ ================================================================== << ANNOUNCEMENTS Every citizen can use this board to make an announcement or advertise of any type. If you have something to post, please contact the editor. ___________ O F F E R S - Narivis' Shop, in Hydlaa. Bargain's a deal! For all adventurer's needings! - Are you in need of arms, mineral resources, food, special items or maybe of a good advice? The EverTrade Co is there, waiting for you. We'll do our best to make you happy! Feel free to contact Tenra, Sileph, Goraidh or Aalinta. - If you are looking for Ores, Weapons, Magic Weapons, Magic Rings, Glyphs or Rare items, Ribenoly is your best choice! - Hydlaa's Premier Grocer at Heralle's Groceries! It's all a citizen needs! _____________ D E M A N D S - Hangyatr and Keella are always looking for iron and coal ores to buy! They pay 100 tria each ore!! - The Guilds & Traders Journal offers a fair amount of tria to buy any copy of any old issue of any newspaper! The objective is to build up, one day, an hemeroteque. Contact: Raikana Plip. ___________ E V E N T S - The Champions's Cup is waiting for you! Held every first Saturday of the month, in the Dlayo Pit, Arena. It's a mini war between guilds and it is free to enter. Contact Heleckie, Xitop or Hangatyr for more information. _____________ J O B S - The Bounty Hunters guild is looking for a cook! Any skilled cook can talk to Earowo for the job. - Malunga offers his services for repairing weapons. - Zaft Zalta, Shaman and Divinator, Will do any job for a fair pay. - Phtaleine offers services as poet and story writer, writing poems on request. Offers also customized clothes [in form of books]. Please contact her or Darmon for more details! _____________ V A R I O U S - Ruya Sajadi of the Brotherhood of Talad seeks information on a group of brigands who cruelly accosted her outside of Gugrontid, falsely slandered her faith in Talad, and sent her to the Death Realm. Any help tracking down the culprits will be greatly appreciated. - Famiel Massterr Is Looking To Join A Group Fighting Gang To Run The Country Side Slaying Beasts (minimum group of 4) Interested anytime! __________ << TRADERS Through this section, the readers can meet all their needs in terms of trading. |/o\|=|/o\|=|/o\| TRADERS LIST This list contains the name and the specialization of some of the dozens of traders that make business in Yliakum. If you want to appear in this list please contact the editor. ____________________________________ Name Trading -------------------------------------- Earowo>> Animal parts and hides Glaciusor>> Fine metals Gova>> Fine and medium quality swords, shields and helmets. Hangyatr>> Fine quality weapons, armors and helmets. Heralle>> Grocery Keella>> Fine quality weapons, armors and helmets. Leraider>> Fine quality weapons, shields and helmets. Malunga>> Standard quality swords Mekora>> Fine Magic Weapons and glyphs. Miadon>> Books and guides Narivis>> Magic weapons, shields, glyphs and magic jewelry Pelusius>> Fine Magic Weapons and glyphs. Ribenoly>> General trader (weapons, magic items, rares) Shew>> Fine shields Sileph>> Fine metals Spafix>> Cooked food and bakery Tiboy>> Fine weapons, superior quality helmets and shields. Venorel>> Wine and rare beverages |/o\|=|/o\|=|/o\|=|/o\| TRADING CATEGORIES The easiest way to get what you are looking for! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: A n i m a l P a r t s - H i d e s :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: o - Earowo ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: A r m o r s ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: o - Hangyatr o - Keella ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: F o o d - D r i n k s - I n g r e d i e n t s ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: o - Heralle o - Spafix o - Venorel ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: G l y p h s ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: o - Mekora o - Narivis o - Pelusius ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: H e l m e t s ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: o - Hangyatr o - Keella o - Gova o - Leraider o - Tiboy :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: M a g i c I t e m s :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: o - Narivis o - Ribenoly :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: M a g i c W e a p o n s ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: o - Mekora o - Narivis o - Pelusius :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: B o o k s - P u b l i s h i n g ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: o - Heralle o - Miadon ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: R a r e - I t e m s ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: o - Ribenoly :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: R a w M a t e r i a l :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: o - Glaciusor o - Sileph ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: S h i e l d s ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: o - Gova o - Leraider o - Narivis o - Shew o - Tiboy :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: W e a p o n s :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: o - Gova o - Hangyatr o - Heralle o - Keella o - Leraider o - Malunga o - Ribenoly o - Tiboy __________ << GUILDS This section gives to the guilds a chance to be more visible and helps citizens to choose with more discernment which guild to join. |/o\|=|/o\|=|/o\|=| GUILDS LIST Only guilds that have a minimum of 10 members can figure on this list. ____________________________________ Name Leader ------------------------------------ Akkaio Setha Clan Narivis Bloodstone Brethren Yahh Bounty Hunters Earowo Brotherhood of Talad Lilura Call of Destiny Jaycol Corps Virtuoso Delrid Daughters of Xiosia Dannae Diamond Claw Xitop Elemental light Urodi Enlightened Path Sulaika Explorers Mordaan House Cheshire Barike House of Trayus Vilthis Klyros Junction Leraider Knowledge Seekers Tuathanach Kore Irka Clan Akaiddo Lye naa tualle Glaciusor Masters of Move Perlan Nemesis Eagler Nexus of Devotion Xarock Nomothetes Thinzall Order of Light Bonifarzia Rangers of Yliakum Kaerli Roots of Vocation Pontifer The crystal weavers Bedira The house of the game Eurac The one Rodef The Organisation Skardellinus The Warriors Proteous The way of the hammer Thoraro The Woiperdinger Shalier Wayward Kingdom Phaat SECRET or MITERIOUS GUILDS Here is a list of guilds that we have no evidences to prove their existence but some rumour, or the guilds that prefers to stay in shadow. Cutthroats Prophets of Chaos The outlaws The secret confraternity The secret society |/o\|=|/o\|=|/o\|=| GUILDS DESCRIPTION Here you can find the description of some of the many guilds of the world. This section will be implemented as long as we will produce a review of each guild. If your guild appear in the list above and you want it to have a description here, just contact the editor of the newspaper to adding it in the next edition. _______________________ AKKAIO SETHA CLAN >> Akkaio Setha Clan is the mercantile branch of the Alliance of Enkidukai that works mainly out of Hydlaa and Oja. G u i l d G o a l s : Making shops in all major city on every Level of the Realm. _____________________________________ _________________ BOUNTY HUNTERS >> The guild offer a service to who wants to put a bounty on a criminal player, saying reason and reward ammount. Offers also service of animal part collecting. This guild is always recruiting! G u i l d G o a l s : Bring criminals to justice and help the weaks. ______________________________________ _______________________ BROTHERHOOD OF TALAD >> The followers of this guild try to be generous with their skills and goods to those who are in need, following Talad's example of love and patience. Honest fighters, magician and crafter, as well as those with no defined path, are welcome to this guild. G u i l d G o a l s : Unify the followers of Talad so they can overcome the hardships of life together. _____________________________________ __________________ CALL OF DESTINY >> A peaceful, community oriented guild, that functions like a family. G u i l d G o a l s : To promote the community and the peace. _____________________________________ _________________ CORPS VIRTUOSO >> This guild is oriented on education and has one main idea: never attack people until they attack first! G u i l d G o a l s : Lead people to the mastery in their preferred profession. _____________________________________ _______________________ DAUGHTERS OF XIOSIA >> The members of this guild are followers of Xiosia, who endeavor to provide aid to both oppressed men and women that are new to Hydlaa, to help them get a good life. Always recruiting! G u i l d G o a l s : Help people to become strong and independent. _____________________________________ _______________________ HOUSE OF TRAYUS >> The Trayus House evolved from it’s feudal elements of antiquity into of a system based on secular ideals that encompasses a robust constitutional foundation and adherence to the rule of law by reforms in the House led by the late Lord Dunril Trayus in support of the Octarchal Decree 425 AY. G u i l d G o a l s : Civic progress, public service and defence of the Dome's Capitol - Hydlaa. _____________________________________ _______________ KLYROS JUNCTION >> This guild try to gather klyros together, as everyone might know thy tend to gather together with others of their kind. Is a family, an home, for the klyros of the dome. G u i l d G o a l s : Gather together all klyros and work toward the progression of Yliakum. _____________________________________ _______________________ KNOWLEDGE SEEKERS >> The Knowledge Seekers run the Yliakum University, which is open to all. We welcome those who wish to learn and strive to teach them about science, crafting, magic , society, history and the arts. We come to teach. G u i l d G o a l s : Educating Yliakum and unleashing the hidden potential of each individual citizen. _____________________________________ ________________ LYE NAA TUALLE >> This guild have various halls, each hall with its own special skills like magic or healing. Anybody can come and expose a need and they'll be directed to the appropriate hall for free, or for a fair fee. G u i l d G o a l s : This guild is dedicated to assisting and enriching the community. _____________________________________ ________________ NEXUS OF DEVOTION >> Devotion is the main thing for us. We are a family; we are devoted to each other. G u i l d G o a l s : To gather facts and studies about all aspects of Yliakum, to share with friends and allies. _____________________________________ ___________________ ROOTS OF VOCATION >> The roots stand for the twists and turns life hands up and the vocation stands for your calling or passion. G u i l d g o a l s : Help the lost and the weak. _____________________________________ _______________________ THE WAY OF THE HAMMER >> This guild wish to help the dwarfs and all those who help their dwarven brothers, keeping the knowledge of our ways alive. They also collect rare weapons, crafter by their ancestors. G u i l d G o a l s : To promote better treatment for all dwarfs and theyr allies. _____________________________________ ****** =================================== | | YOUR ADVERTISE HERE? | | Contact the editor! | ==================================== ---------------- ================ ARE YOU LOOKING FOR THE OLD ISSUES? We can re-print them specially for you for 500 tria each copy. Ask to the editor for more information. ---------------- ================ ====== Printed for the third issue: First printing: 48 copies First re-printing: 12 copies Second re-printing: 12 copies Free copies: 6 copies ------------------------------------ Total: 78 copies ====== First Re-Printing: 24 copies. Price: 1 Circle. ------